In a small village in Meru county, two young brothers, Ronny and Max struggle to survive in an environment that seems to offer them no hope. The children live with their ailing grandmother and their father, who, due to long-term unemployment, is unable to provide for the family.
For Ronny, life has always been about taking care of his younger brother and doing whatever it takes to keep the family together. But recently, his selfless devotion took a heartbreaking toll when he collapsed from hunger and exhaustion, leaving the family even more vulnerable than before.
The family’s story is one of resilience in the face of overwhelming adversity. Ronny’s father, the sole provider for the household did not manage to do his degree due to lack of school fees and has struggled to find stable work. Their grandmother, once the pillar of support, is now too weak to help, and Ronny, despite his age, has been forced to step into the role of caretaker for both his younger brother and their sick grandmother. With no steady income for the dad, food has become a rare luxury for the family. The family often skips meals since there’s nothing to eat, despite the fact that the dad does try to his level best to get some gigs here and there.
The situation grew more dire when Ronny, exhausted from caring for both his brother and grandmother while trying to go without food himself, collapsed from hunger. His father was not around home during that period. This forced him to come back home and stay around.
Ronny’s father, James, can hardly speak through his tears when he talks about what happened to his son. “Ronny’s the man of the house. He’s been doing everything he can to take care his grandmother and brother when I’m absent. I don’t know how he kept going for so long. But when he fell, it was like everything fell apart and that’s when I realized I had to be around.
The family needs urgent help. With their father unable to find stable work and their grandmother too sick to contribute, Ronny’s selfless efforts are no longer enough to sustain the family. Their house is in disrepair, and their food supply is dangerously low. We are asking for your compassion and support. Your donation can help Ronny and Max get the food, medical care, and stability they so desperately need. Every money raised will go directly toward:
This family has been through more than any family should have to endure, but they’re not asking for a handout they’re asking for a lifeline. You can be that lifeline.
Please consider donating today to support Ronny, Max, and their grandmother. Your generosity can give this family and MORE FAMILIES like this a fighting chance at a better tomorrow.
No child should ever have to sacrifice their health or happiness for the sake of survival. Together, we can make sure these two brothers have the chance to be kids again, and their family can find hope amidst the struggle.
Thank you for your support. Every contribution, big or small, is a step towards changing their lives for the better. Let's give them the chance to heal, and to be a family once again.